When your mind enjoys lies more than the truth

Hila Mary Lawrence
2 min readNov 5, 2020

I understand that it is an option to lie or tell the truth, however, there is one more category to this which is to not tell the complete truth as well as a complete lie. You might think that isn't that which is to lie, not really, but you can call it like a version of it.

In this process of not telling the truth, you tend to expose a part of the truth but cover up the rest of it with a lie, which makes it more believable for the hearer. The sad part is that it’s more comforting and convincing than a total lie and beware this is highly contagious.

It is so heavy to hear this: “ I am not upset that you lied to me, but it makes me upset that I can’t trust you anymore” — someone.

Trust is a huge word when you know and cherish the meaning of it, otherwise, it is just another word. One must think hundred times before a person breaks it with anyone. You might have some ill-feeling in your life towards someone for doing something or saying something to you which you did not expect to hear from them, however, just step out of your usual thoughts and make your mind do some extraordinary work of thinking in an unusual way, were they telling or being truthful to you? Were they showing you their true color? Let it be a pleasant or a bad experience for you. If the answer to the question was “yes, but how could he/she”, remember to value them because they were showing you the true color and not being nice to you by just hiding the truth. It was your expectation which tricked your mind to think that that person is bad because he/she is not just comforting you with their not so real truth/lie.

People are different from each other, respecting that difference simply solves everything. The choice is yours to walk away or to get more closer and it totally depends on the context and the situation, but remember they just didn't want to keep you in the darkness of your own truth about them.

This growing fake world is trying to mask the truth by giving you lots and lots of options, don't fall into the trap and as usual, the choice is always yours but make sure you don't regret it later!



Hila Mary Lawrence

Animal lover / Aspiring Data Scientist / a psychology lover